Basic Green Screen Lighting by Green Screen Los Angeles

Do you want to learn more about the lighting techniques of a green screen Los Angeles? Are you considering of starting your own green screen studio? In order for you to have a successful business using green screen Los Angeles you must do research, understand and practice how to use a green screen and how to set up the lighting.

Green screens are commonly used in movies and television shows to place a live-action subject within a virtual world. By shooting a subject on a green screen, a computer can inject images and scenes behind the subject. An example of such technology can be viewed by watching the weather caster on your local news broadcast. Green-screen lighting is vital, as it determines the quality and realism of the image after editing is complete.

Becoming proficient at green screen filming can take some practice and lighting is one of the areas that require special attention. If you want to film with green screen, you must learn to light the filming location and the screen like you would any other set. Lighting a green screen requires a two-part process: lighting the actual screen itself and lighting the actor or actors who stand in front of the screen.

Listed below are several quick and easy tips on green screen lighting:
Brighten up the screen itself. Aim two lights with a total wattage between 500 and 1,000 watts at the screen at a 45-degree angle from either side. Make sure the light is even all around the screen, with no bright spots or noticeable shading.

Place your actor or actors in front of the screen where you want them to stand during filming. Don’t place the actors so close to the screen that they create shadows on the screen. A clearance of 3 to 5 feet should provide enough room for the light on the screen to go behind the actor without a problem.

Light the actor or actors in the scene from the front with soft light that doesn’t create a harsh glow. When properly lit, shadows disappear from the actors face and body, making the actor or actors appear more evenly lit. Use either soft lights on either side, facing in toward the actors at a 45-degree angle, or one soft light facing in at a 45-degree angle and a white bounce card, roughly the same size as the light fixture, facing in from the other side.
Use a backlight if any shadows appear on the green screen. Aim one backlight in at a 45-degree angle from one side. To prevent the light from interfering with filming, place the light a foot or more lower than camera-level and aim it slightly upward.

Now, you know that lighting is very important when using green screen Los Angeles. If you are planning to set up your own green screen studio at home or in a commercial area it would be advisable to follow the quick and easy tips stated above.

