What is a Green Screen Studio – by Green Screen Los Angeles 

What is green screen studio? Who uses it? And what is it used for? And why do they call it green screen cyc? Well, to answer your questions a green screen is a technology used in film making. It gives the audience the illusion, the weather news is known for using a green screen as the weather news caster shows the weather in different states of the United States map. This article will provide the basic information about green screen studios.  

Green screen technology is the basis of the effects seen in everything from the latest Hollywood blockbusters to the weather forecast. The idea is simple. If you shoot a video with a single color backdrop (blue or green is often used). It’s a popular tool that allows film and TV directors to mix two images or frames together in which a small color range from one image is removed which reveals the image behind it. The technique is mainly used by broadcast TV stations and film studios.

Green and blue are the most common colors used because these shades are not present in flesh tones. If you were to use a flesh colored background, the talent’s skin would appear to be transparent along with the background.

With green screen, it’s simple to superimpose anything or anyone into any shot. You can transport yourself to the moon, appear in your favorite film, or make a presentation along with all the relevant facts and figures…

In order to make realistic scenes or affects you just can’t start shooting with a colored screen in the background and add a Chroma key effect during editing. There are steps that you must take in order to obtain the cleanest key and make your shot look fantastic.

Here are tips on how to use a green screen:

It is very important that you purchase a suitable camcorder or video camera that has a high movie quality compatible to green screen material from motion picture supply houses or at online movie supply retailers.

When setting up the material it is best that you place the green screen at the back of a wall or rear of the studio, remember this is your background.  Hang the green screen from ceiling to floor. Also make sure the green screen is smooth meaning wrinkle free. 

Light the green screen properly. Lighting is a key factor in the green screen effect. The light must be even and bright on every portion of the green screen material. Place lights above and on either side of the material behind the subject.

Set up individual lighting for the subject. Light the subject separately from the green screen background material with lights from the front that don’t interfere with the green screen.

Transfer the video footage from the green-screen studio sessions to an appropriate video editing program. Adobe Premiere is a great example of a typical video editing suite. Use these programs to remove the green screen background and replace it with other video footage to create a believable image.

Now, that you are educated on green screen Los Angeles you can try create a short film. And you don’t have to spend money traveling or filming in different location instead you can use a green screen and save money without compromising your imagination. 

